Solving a Problem
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 Solving a Problem

A few weeks ago, my husband and I met with a general contractor. We talked with this professional about building an addition onto our small home. At this time, he informed us about a problem with our septic tank. We learned we would have to relocate a couple of septic lines before construction could begin on our home. Are you considering building an addition onto your house or business? Before you get too far along in this complex process, think about consulting with someone from a reputable septic service in your area. An expert from a septic service can inform you if your current septic tank will be large enough to accommodate the addition. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most common tasks performed by septic services. Enjoy!


Solving a Problem

Navigating the Path to Residential Septic Tank Maintenance

Debra Chapman

Septic tanks are integral to a home's plumbing system. They handle wastewater efficiently and safely, but only when maintained properly. Ignoring regular maintenance can lead to significant problems like foul odors, plumbing issues, and even environmental damage. This article delves into the ways residential septic tanks should be maintained.

Regular Pumping is Key

One of the primary steps in septic tank maintenance is regular pumping. Over time, solids build up in the tank, reducing its capacity to handle wastewater. If left unchecked, these solids can clog the drainage field, leading to system failure. An average household septic system should be pumped every few years, depending on usage.

Mind What Goes Down the Drain

What goes down the drain has a direct impact on the septic system's health. Avoid flushing non-biodegradable items like diapers, wipes, or feminine hygiene products. They can clog the system and cause backups. Also, limit the amount of chemicals going down the drain as they can disrupt the bacterial balance in the tank, affecting its ability to break down waste.

Protect the Drain Field

The drain field, an essential component in the treatment of wastewater from the septic tank, plays a critical role in ensuring the proper filtration and disposal of effluent. To maintain its optimal functionality, it is important to take proactive measures to protect it. One way to do this is by avoiding parking vehicles or placing heavy objects on the drain field, which can potentially damage the underground pipes and disrupt the natural filtration process. Additionally, it is recommended to divert rainwater drainage systems away from the drain field to prevent over-saturation, as excessive water can hinder the absorption and treatment capacity of the drain field. By following these precautions, you can help prolong the lifespan and effectiveness of your septic system.

Be Alert to Warning Signs

Early detection of issues can prevent major septic system failures. Be alert to warning signs like slow drains, gurgling sounds in the plumbing system, or standing water near the septic tank. If noticed, seek professional help immediately.

Seek Professional Help for Inspections and Repairs

While some aspects of septic tank maintenance can be handled at home, others require professional expertise. Regular inspections by professionals can help identify potential issues early. Also, any repairs or alterations to the septic system should always be carried out by professionals to ensure safety and compliance with local regulations.

For more information about residential septic tank services, reach out to a local company.
