Solving a Problem
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 Solving a Problem

A few weeks ago, my husband and I met with a general contractor. We talked with this professional about building an addition onto our small home. At this time, he informed us about a problem with our septic tank. We learned we would have to relocate a couple of septic lines before construction could begin on our home. Are you considering building an addition onto your house or business? Before you get too far along in this complex process, think about consulting with someone from a reputable septic service in your area. An expert from a septic service can inform you if your current septic tank will be large enough to accommodate the addition. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most common tasks performed by septic services. Enjoy!


Solving a Problem

Routine Pumping: The Only Option For Proper Grease Trap Maintenance

Debra Chapman

Fats, oils, and grease can be dangerous if they enter a municipal sewer system or septic system. These substances have the potential to create dangerous clogs that might leave you with a serious mess on your hands.

Since commercial restaurants typically deal with higher volumes of fats, oils, and grease than residential homes, it's important that each drain is outfitted with a grease trap. The grease trap is designed to capture harmful substances before they enter your plumbing system. The only way to preserve the integrity of your grease trap is by investing in routine pumping.

Pumping prevents clogs.

The last thing you want to deal with in your commercial restaurant is a drain that won't empty properly. Routine pumping of your grease trap helps to ensure that there is enough room in the grease trap to capture harmful substances while allowing liquid waste to pass through.

When the grease trap gets too full, the liquids your employees send down the drain cannot be moved into drainage pipes. Most municipal governments require routine grease trap pumping, but you should be prepared to schedule more frequent pump-outs if your restaurant serves a significant number of guests each day.

Pumping is more effective than biological agents.

There are some biological agents available on the market that attempt to reduce the volume of fats, oils, and grease in a grease trap by introducing bacteria that will break down these substances. While this might sound like a viable maintenance solution, in theory, biological agents cannot compare with the reliability of grease trap pumping.

A biological agent will temporarily liquefy solid waste materials to move them out of the grease trap. Unfortunately, these waste materials could potentially solidify again once they enter drainage pipes. This will result in significant clogs that will require costly plumbing repairs to address. Pumping manually removes waste materials from the grease trap, ensuring that there is no way solid wastes can compromise the function of your commercial plumbing system.

Pumping extends the life of your grease trap.

Since the grease trap plays such an important role in the performance of your restaurant, you want the trap to last as long as possible. Failing to completely remove all of the solid waste materials from your grease trap through routine pumping could cause premature deterioration.

Flushing and biological agents will leave a layer of sludge on the bottom of your grease trap. This sludge will eat away at the plastic components within the trap, and the sludge could cause foul odors to emanate through your restaurant as the materials decompose. Pumping eliminates the sludge layer and extends the life of your grease trap.

For more information, contact a company like Mountain Valley Pumping.
