Solving a Problem
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 Solving a Problem

A few weeks ago, my husband and I met with a general contractor. We talked with this professional about building an addition onto our small home. At this time, he informed us about a problem with our septic tank. We learned we would have to relocate a couple of septic lines before construction could begin on our home. Are you considering building an addition onto your house or business? Before you get too far along in this complex process, think about consulting with someone from a reputable septic service in your area. An expert from a septic service can inform you if your current septic tank will be large enough to accommodate the addition. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most common tasks performed by septic services. Enjoy!


Solving a Problem

Three Things To Avoid Putting In Your Septic Tank

Debra Chapman

Your septic tank works every single day to break down physical waste and ensure that your home's plumbing is able to operate efficiently and properly. However, because of the specific chemical and bacterial balance within your septic tank, certain items can cause a great deal of disruption and can create more clogs, leaks, and stress within your tank. Understanding what some of these disruptive items are can help you moderate what you flush down into your septic tank, improving its performance and reducing the risk of severe plumbing problems developing.

Cleaning Solutions

One of the worst things that you can allow down your drains if you have a septic system is any sort of commercial cleaner. These chemicals will kill the careful balance of bacteria within your septic tank, and severely reduce your septic tank's ability to break down solid waste. This can lead to serious structural issues and leaks with your septic tank, as waste will quickly build up to significant quantities and place a great deal of pressure on the exterior of your tank and any connected plumbing. Instead, dispose of these chemicals at a local landfill.

Paper Products

Another thing that you should avoid sending down your drains, particularly your toilet, are any kinds of paper products. While toilet paper is fine, since it is relatively thin and easily broken down, other products like wipes and paper towels are thicker. This means that they can more easily cause clogs within your septic tank, and will take much longer to break down within the tank itself. Further, some paper products include chemicals that can kill the bacteria in your tank, like cleaning wipes. Instead, make sure that you compost or throw these items out.


While this may seem counterintuitive at first, you should manage the amount of water that goes down your drain while working with a septic system. This is because wastewater must be treated by your septic system before it is allowed to drain: running multiple water fixtures and water using appliances at once can cause a massive amount of water to drain into your septic tank rapidly, which will in turn place severe pressure on the plumbing of your septic system. This will also greatly dilute the number of bacteria within your septic tank, which will slow down the rate at which your system is able to process solid waste as well. In order to avoid this happening, you should spread out your water usage over several days (for example, wash your dishes on one day, and your clothes the next, instead of both at the same time).

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